New Releases The Ultimate Guide to Accurate Carb Counting: Featuring the Tools and Techniques

  • 6 years ago
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Paperback. Pub Date: November 2006 Pages: 256 in Publisher: Marlowe & Co. Millions of people carb-count daily - whether because they re following a diet plan that the requires them to carb-count they have diabetes (and thus have to match their insulin needs to their carb intake). or simply because they are conscious of the quantity of carbs they consume. Now. The Ultimate Guide to Accurate Carb Counting offers an all-in-one resource for every carb counter. with everything you need to accurately keep track of your carb intake. Certified diabetes educator. type 1 diabetic and Think Like a Pancreas author. Gary Scheiner focuses specifically on carb counting in a real-world context. and his explanations and advice - in addition to being complete and thoroughly accurate - are geared towards the most common foods and eating habits. He covers the basic rationale for and theory behi...
