40 Bags in 40 Days Declutter Challenge // (plus a sneak peak at my new recording studio!)

  • 6 years ago
Hi Friends!

I have a confession to make ... I am usually on the messy side - but lately I have really let my apartment get a little crazy. I just went through a huge walk through cleaning everything up and it feels great! To take it to the next level, I decided to start the 40 bags in 40 days declutter challenge.

## The Declutter Challenge

It is super simple! You just pick a small area of your house to go through everyday and get rid of stuff you no longer use or need. I like that it is so stretched out - because that makes it feel more approachable. For example, instead of tackling all of your clothing in one day - you could do a day for shoes, jewelry, outerwear etc.

Another example would be going through just the spices and teas one day - instead of trying to tackle the entire kitchen. Now that my apartment is picked up and tidy again, i'm excited to start sorting through and letting go of items so that I can keep it organized moving forward.

## Sneak Peak at my New Recording Space!

Part of what inspired this home clean-up, is that I wanted to create a specific recording room. Right now, I film in my living room - which means my main living area feels more like a recording studio than a home. There is a small office room in my apartment, and so I bought some soundproofing panels, new lights, blackout curtains and really sit it up to be an optimal filming setup.

I am still fine tuning things, and have a few more purchases to make - but once the room is finished, I'll do a full room tour and show you each piece of the design!

## Let's Get Decluttering... Who's With Me?

I would love it if some of you felt like joining me on this challenge! It would be awesome to have some accountability and share some of the stories with someone else. Maybe we can even get inspiration from each other on what areas to pick up.

Let me know if you decide to give this a try!

## Thanks for Watching!

I hope you guys enjoyed getting this little update on what's happening around my apartment. I can't wait to do a full walk-through of my new recording space and show you all how I set it up.

Love you guys and I look forward to chatting with you below!

XO, Lea



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