Racism in Europe

  • 6 years ago
Racism has become a long debate in the history of world and it is witnessed by every single country more or less. Europe is the most popular name when it comes to racism and racism exists in most of states of Europe. This is nothing but a common form of discrimination that targets mostly the black and Muslim migrants. The victims are mostly refugee, asylum seekers, black Europeans, etc.
These people face discrimination in every field of their lives but it was assumed that things will change significantly when the first black cabinet minister was selected in Italy during 2013. It amused people greatly and they celebrated a anti-racism campaign. But unfortunately, Congo-born Cecile Kyenge took the office charge which cut down the rejoice in just a matter of second. A member of the European parliament went on to say that this is a bonga bonga government and the selected cabinet minister is perfect for house but not for the government minister. Anyways, he was condemned highly by everyone in the world.
However, this did not stop anyone from practicing the racism and it took even violent form in the following days. Due to the economic crisis in Europe, intolerance started rising with every passing day. Things got even worse when the anti-gay marriage protestors raised their voice stating Justice Minister Christiane Taubira is a black evil gorilla. The supporter of black people halted a march to demonstrate their protest against this. Also, a group was formed with people from 26 countries by the European Network against Racism. The group kept demonstrating their protest against racism.
A spokesperson in the ENAR group stated that it is very common to blame the minorities and black immigrants for stealing jobs and this has to put an end now. This incident happened back in 2013 but sadly it could bring hardly any change to racism till date.
The black immigrants are not only abused of stealing jobs rather they are abused in almost every field of their lives and here it is explained in more details.
The main fields where racism is more prominent:
This is one main field where the black migrant people are greatly abused and they feel the face of discrimination. The black people face discrimination at every stage of employment and they struggle really hard compared to the white British people to crack the same position even though they are completely equal in their skill and qualification. In UK, while the British applicant should send a job application just once, the black African origin people need to send the same application few times. And this is why the unemployment rate of African origin people is higher than others.
