• 6 years ago
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Few things are as powerful as a human connection. They say that you can judge a man's power by the kind of friends that he has.

An often negatively used cliche is, It's not what you know, it's who you know. That's very true, and it's not a bad thing. A lot of people look down upon those who are friends with everyone. I used to look down on them as well. I used to think they are sycophantic kiss asses who will befriend anyone just to get their way.

To some extent, yeah those people might be appeasing and overly friendly for their own gain. But this book is not telling you to become a kiss ass. It's telling you to change the way you approach social dynamics in a way that will be resourceful to you for the rest of your life. This is why you need to learn how to win friends and influence people in hindi.

It's the solution to a lot of problems that we face in life. It's how to win friends and influence people in hindi, by dale carnegie.

It can be said that this book literally gave birth to self help. Dale carnegie used to run seminars, and following the immense success of those, he decided to write a book teaching people on how to improve their communication skills. I'm going to tell you the main lessons of the book how to win friends and influence people in hindi.

This book has stood the test of time. It's was written in the start of the 20th century, and it's still relevant to this day.

In this video, I share the five tips that will give you the quickest results in your social life.