4 Convincing Reasons to Take a Daily Tequila Shot

  • 6 years ago
4 Convincing Reasons to
Take a Daily Tequila Shot Tequila, when made with
100% agave, provides unexpected health benefits. Here are 4 of those benefits -
and pretty convincing reasons -
to take a shot. 1. The sugar in tequila
is indigestible and
known as agavins. These kinds of molecules have been known to stimulate, rather than slow down your metabolism. 2. The American Chemical Society thinks that might be the case. 3. Studies have shown that before a meal, tequila can get your metabolism going... And a post-meal shot
can jump-start the
digestive process. 4. Since it's made from agave, and not wheat, your gluten-intolerant friends can join the party! Do you really
need another reason?
