Dana Cowin: What Would You Want Your Last Meal on Earth to Be?
  • 6 years ago

Leaving happy.

Question: What would you want your last meal on earth to be?
Dana Cowin: My last meal on earth ---- well, it would involve pork and it would probably involve pasta and wine. I can have wine at my last meal, right? Absolutely. So I had an amazing Harlin cab. I'd have a Harlin Cab and I'd have like a really amazing lasagna with beef, pork, veal and you know with mozzarella and it would be gooey and rich and really filling and you know what I wouldn't be able to eat the last bite and that would be great. That would be my last thought. I am full. I am happy. I am ready to go.
Recorded on: 3/7/08

Question: What would you want your last meal on earth to be?
Dana Cowin: My last meal on earth ---- well, it would involve pork and it would probably involve pasta and wine. I can have wine at my last meal, right? Absolutely. So I had an amazing Harlin cab. I'd have a Harlin Cab and I'd have like a really amazing lasagna with beef, pork, veal and you know with mozzarella and it would be gooey and rich and really filling and you know what I wouldn't be able to eat the last bite and that would be great. That would be my last thought. I am full. I am happy. I am ready to go.
Recorded on: 3/7/08