Craig Newmark on Tracking Criminal Activity

  • 6 years ago
Watch Craig Newmark dodge the question of online criminal activity.

Newmark:    Well, for years, we have tried our best to crackdown on anything that's wrong on our site, sometimes it does get into the criminal, in which case we're good at helping out victims and cops on this, and they do learn that we're good at that.  We need to get better, so, recently, we sought the assistance of law enforcement and groups like the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  We've gotten better at it.  We continue to talk to them, to listen to them, because more will be needed in the future.  We do respond to request from law enforcement.  We act consistent with due process and constitutional values.  We've operated as if the Constitution and rule of law was in effect over the last eight years and we do look forward to President Obama reinstating constitutional law.

Newmark:    Well, for years, we have tried our best to crackdown on anything that's wrong on our site, sometimes it does get into the criminal, in which case we're good at helping out victims and cops on this, and they do learn that we're good at that.  We need to get better, so, recently, we sought the assistance of law enforcement and groups like the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  We've gotten better at it.  We continue to talk to them, to listen to them, because more will be needed in the future.  We do respond to request from law enforcement.  We act consistent with due process and constitutional values.  We've operated as if the Constitution and rule of law was in effect over the last eight years and we do look forward to President Obama reinstating constitutional law.
