DBX2 Habilidad Súper Saiyan, mínimo nivel 40 / Super Saiyan skill minimum level 40

  • hace 6 años
Avisarán de un evento en Capsule Corporation al llegar al nivel 40, supongo que sólo para el personaje Saiyan. La habilidad super saiyan se consigue tras derrotar a Vegeta y Goku. 3 barras de energía Saiyan, 4 Saiyan 2 y 5 o más SS 3. Espero les sirva.

You will receive a notification that there is an event on Capsule Corporation after reaching level 40 (I think that only with a Saiyan character). You will receive the SS ability after defeating Vegeta and Goku. With 3 Ki bars you will turn into Super Saiyan, with 4 bars in SS 2 and with 5 or more bars into SS 3.