Watch a fearless Jack Russell terrier’s epic battle with a bee

  • 6 years ago
A fearless Jack Russell terrier battled a bee at a home in Grabouw, South Africa.

In the video, a Jack Russell terrier is seen staring at a bee on a window. The dog lunges forward and tries to bite the it.

When the bee drops to the lower part of the window, the Jack Russell terrier repeatedly tries to bite it.

“Bazil the Jack Russell is a very docile dog, except when there are flies or bees,” the owner explained. “Over the years, he has learned the hard way on how to tell the difference."

“Now he treats bees with a whole lot more tenacity, as you can see in the video,” the owner continued. “A fly would just not last as long. So whenever there is a fly or bee in the house, you know you’re in for a laugh.”