Most AMAZING Experiments With Coke!

  • 6 years ago
Check out the most amazing experiments with coke! From mentos and diet coke to other cool science tricks with coca cola, check out these cool experiments you can do at home! \r
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10. Coke Cans in Water\r
This first experiment is a quick and simple demonstration as to just how much sugar is in soda. \r
All you need are some cans of Coke and Diet Coke, and a plastic tub or other container; a clear one works best.\r
Just fill the container with water and drop the cans of Coke and Diet Coke in. Watch as the diet can floats on top while the regular can sinks down to the bottom. The size and volume of the cans are the same. The only difference is the sugar content.\r
The Diet Coke has no sugar and thus is considerably lighter. However, the regular Coke has so much sugar in it that the can is too heavy to be buoyant in the water. Thus it sinks right down to the bottom.\r
9. Boiling Coke\r
Diet Coke fans will also feel good about this one. All you need is a pot youre not afraid to get dirty, some regular Coke, Diet Coke, and a stovetop. Start by pouring the Diet Coke into the pot and set the stove to high. Like water, it will steam and boil down to nearly nothing if left on high heat. Might make a good sauce of some sort!\r
However, when you do the same for regular Coke, it leaves behind a gross, sticky, black sludge. That sludge is ually all the sugar left behind after the water evaporates away. The high heat causes it to melt and caramelize.\r
This experiment just goes to show exly how much sugar is in Coke vs. its Diet counterpart since Diet Coke uses artificial sweeteners. .\r
8. Cleaning Change\r
Got some old dirty pennies lying around? Try cleaning them up with some Coke!\r
Just drop the pennies into a cup of Coke and let it sit. After about 10 minutes you should notice the coins starting to lighten up. Within an hour they should be prically like new! I am definitely trying this one!\r
This process works best for older coins because they tend to have more copper in them. The reason older pennies become dark and appear dirty is because over time, the copper in the coin res with the oxygen in the air and oxidizes or rusts.\r
When you place pennies in the Coke, the phosphoric acid in the soda starts reing with the copper in the penny. This breaks the copper oxide loose, leaving behind the shiny exterior! \r
You can even take this experiment a step further and leave the penny in the Coke for a few days. Afterwards, you can weigh it and see how much of the penny was corroded away by the phosphoric acid!\r
7. Diet Coke and Mentos\r
Yay! Everybody should try this experiment at least once in your life! Youve probably seen videos of the Diet Coke and Mentos trick all over the internet, but here is a way to get more bang for your buck!\r
All you need is a piece of paper, tape, and obviously the Diet Coke and Mentos. Just roll the paper up and tape it into a tube just large enough to fit the Mentos inside. Not too tightly though, because you want the Mentos to slide through easily.\r
Use your finger or something to hold the Mentos from falling through the bottom until its fully loaded. Then just place the tube over an open bottle of Diet Coke, release the Mentos and watch out! \r
The reason for this violent reion is that Mentos are covered with tiny bumps thatas nucleation sites or areas where gas can clutch onto and cause bubbles to form. And because Mentos are heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the bottle, it is able to re rapidly with the entire volume of the bottle! The carbonation bubbles up, and its only place to go is right out of the bottle!\r
Pretty fun stuff!\r
6. Clear Coke\r
This next experiment requires a 16 oz bottle of Coke and just a little bit of milk. \r
Open the bottle and pour in enough milk to fill it up the rest of the way up the bottles neck. Just replace the cap, turn the bottle over to mix it a bit and let it sit. \r
After about 15 minutes you should start to see the different parts of the mixture separating out in the bottle. After about 35 to 40 minutes, it should be nearly done. A semi-solid precipitate has formed at the bottom and the liquid in the top of the bottle should be translucent. \r
This reion is once again because of the phosphoric acid in Coke. The acid adheres to the calcium in the milk, forming tricalcium phosphate; the sediment which sinks to the bottom of the bottle. Hydrogen is also released as a byproduct of the reion.
