Part 1of 2: Creating Multiple Verified Rage of Bahamut Acct

  • 6 years ago
Part 1/2\r
Whether u just want to transfer all your cards and items to a different realm or want a second acct to feed your addiction. You can have a brand new verified account made for you without having to get a secondary device! \r
This Demo shows you how easy it is to use multiple verified accounts on a Jailbroken iOS Device. Dont have a JB Device? Not to worry. If you would like a separate verified account to move all your items and cards over to, I can create that too. \r
This account will include your choice of username & password. \r
How do I do it? \r
Using special software, I create you an additional account that will be verified to a different device number than your original account. This new account will have your choice of Username & Password*. \r
I will also use your referral code for the new account, thus enabling you to gain an invite card & 100 Rupies before you even log into your new account. \r
Right before creating your new account, I will need the name of your original account. Then I will send a link to one of my accounts. This is for you to send our agreed trade (Must be a non evo, non invite S-Card or greater per account).\r
You do not send me the trade, until you receive game confirmation that you have a new verified account. Meaning the invite card & 100k will show up in your presents (You cant get these until a new account uses your referral on a new user device verified account). \r
Once you see the gifts that verify your created account, you must then send our agreed upon trade offer to the account I linked in your support comments. Once I receive the trade, I will email you the one letter variation of desired password, so you can log in.\r
*The password you choose will be altered by one letter in order to secure trade\r
Email me @ to start negotiations and schedule a chat time.
