How To Trade Monsters In Battle Camp
  • il y a 6 ans
This video will show you exly how to trade monsters in Battle Camp. PennyPop has not included this feature in-game yet (for pretty obvious hacky reasons), so you ually have to go to a website and do a little bit of work to complete the process. Do not fret though, traveler, I am here to show you the way. \r
Basically, if you want to trade monsters with someone in Battle Camp, you need to go to, log in, click the Trading tab, and continue on as I explain in the video. There are a few rules in place so that people do not exploit the trade system that are also included in the video.\r
Trading in Battle Camp is one of the best ways to increase your PR and open up new team options. I highly recommend that you take advantage of this awesome system and start trading monsters asap.\r
Battle Camp is an amazing mobile game made by PennyPop. It has been described as Pokemon meets (insert some other awesome MMO here). Monster collection, team formation, guild ivities, PvP. It has it all. To download the game and/or connect with the creators, check out \r
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