Lower Back Treatment: 2-legged Squat

  • 6 years ago
Insync Physiotherapy
4088 Cambie St. #102
Vancouver, BC   V5Z 2X8

Starting with tall posture, engage your core below the belly button by drawing the inner core muscles toward the spine without arching the low back. With arms in a ready position do a two legged squat with your body weight distributed equally over both feet. Stay in Spine neutral. Don’t go any lower than a ninety degree bend in the knees, keeping your knees in alignment with your second toe and over your heels as much as possible. Hold for a good long second and then straighten back up with your butt muscles to the start. Do three sets of ten repetitions daily. The two legged squat is a great exercise for strengthening the quad and posterior hip muscles with the core to help strengthen the lower back. The key is to keep your inner core low back stabilizing muscles engaged by making yourself skinnier at the waistline while you keep breathing. This will help you build more low back core strength with your thighs and legs.