Facebook allegedly performed mass surveillance on its users

  • 6 years ago
SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA — A lawsuit filed in California claims Facebook hasn't been very friendly to its users.

Former startup Six4Three claims that Facebook used its apps for mass surveillance on users by assembling data from their texts and photos. Six4Three also alleges Facebook used its software to listen to users and remotely powered their Bluetooth to pinpoint locations, sometimes without consent.

Citing the lawsuit, the Guardian reports that Facebook could gather metadata from Android phone texts messages. Six4Three claims that the company could access nearly all photos on iPhones, as well as those not uploaded to Facebook."

The lawsuit also alleges that Facebook also acquired some people's data without their consent. According to the Guardian, the company allegedly gathered information sent by users not on the platform to people with Facebook apps on their phone."

Citing the lawsuit, the Huffington post reports Facebook allegedly used information from Onavo, an app it owns, to observe what people used their phones for beyond Facebook.

Facebook has rejected all of the claims from by Six4Three.
