Skyrim Archery Killcam Montage #1

  • 6 years ago
I decided to record some archery killcams because I just cant get enough of them. I hope you enjoy them just as much as I do :) I am wearing the Skaal Armor from the Dragonborn DLC, hood and cloak are crafted items available with the Winter is Coming cloaks mod. Other relevant mods I am using are bandoliers, bags and pouches and Spinning Arrows. My wepaon is the Dragonbone Bow and Dragonbone Arrows (available with Dawnguard DLC). For those who love killcams and play a melee char, I recommend the Dance of Death mod, with which you can force killcams to trigger at a rate you set (max. 100%!), disable the codition that killcams only trigger on the last opponent, set the perspective and even set the decapitation chance ;) Have fun!
