3 techniques to Receive and Allow more with the Law of Attrion

  • 6 years ago
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video Ill be sharing with you three ways to receive more using the law of attrion. I like to relate this video, and I know I say this in many of my videos, but we dont get in life that which we want but we always get a reflection of who we are being.\r
Now understanding that what we experience on the external will depend upon how we feel about ourself, the self-image we have, and the beliefs that we have, if we can change those things, we can then change the reflection that we get. Now when it comes to the law of attrion, its about understanding that the reality that we want to attr already exists. Thats why I explain in some of my the idea of parallel realities. Its about knowing that it exists, what you want to experience, you living the kind of passionate life that you want. The degree to which you will experience it will depend upon how much you can change why I will call our set point, our vibration.\r
The reason I say that is because we can use the metaphor of thinking of a radio. A radio tunes itself to a certain frequency that picks up the station and then receives that station and we can hear it. Now in the same way, its about understanding that the reality we want already exists just like the airwave frequency already exist. We just need to tune ourselves like a radio would tune itself in order to then perceive of that airwave in order for you to perceive of that reality.\r
Now what we experience in our reality of who we are being is composed of how we think, how we feel, and how we . If we can combine these three things to then perceive of that reality, then, as we do that, we will see the external reflection of it. This video really is three ways for you to be who we prefer to be and to be that which we want to experience in order to then see the reflection.\r
Now the first tip I have for you guys has to do with you imagining the perfect version of yourself and matching the body language of who you prefer to be. Maybe if I were to imagine myself in the ideal reality of doing kind of what Im doing now, with sharing these ideas, maybe doing it on different platforms, I would imagine how I would look and the kind of body language, how I would carry myself. Then I would see that and begin to mirror my body language to that. I could do that for maybe five or 10 minutes a day.\r
Now I recommend something that I found to be very powerful. Its from watching a TEDx Talk or a TED Talk with Amy Cuddy. Its about how body language shapes how we view ourself. Now what she talks about is whats called a power pose. If we hold ourself in a power pose, which is like the Superman or Superwoman, and we go like this for just five or 10 minutes a day, it has an effect on the hormone, like the way that our brain neurotransmitters work, the way that we feel about ourself. It increases testosterone, decreases cortisol.\r
If we do that for just a couple minutes a day, it starts to change the way that we feel about ourselves. Then she talks about it in the form of dont fake it till you make it; fake it till you become it. The idea is that the more we do something like this to prime ourself every day, the more we change the way we view ourselves and the more we ually start to become that.\r
What I recommend doing is doing that power pose for two or three minutes maybe twice a day. While youre doing that power pose, imagine yourself of how you would be ing in the ideal reality you want to be. Because the more you do that, the more you begin to anchor in that feeling, and you begin to anchor in that set point so that we become more of that. As we become more of that, we can then receive more because were existing in that same state, that same radio airwave in a way.\r
Do that for two or three minutes a day, twice a day, and see how it makes you feel, something I do in the morning and I do at maybe midday, like lunch time. I find that it helps me anchor in those positive emotions towards really embodying who I prefer to be.\r
Now the second one I have for you guys is understanding how we can model the beliefs of the person that we want to become. Now once again, imagination really is what connects us to this reality because, as we can imagine it, we can then start to mimic and model how we are ing knowing that that reality exists right now in this moment. If I were to imagine myself living the way that I do really prefer to live and the way that I will like to eventually live, but do it right now, what I would do .\r
This video is about 3 ways to receive and allow more with the Law of attrion