Cooked Food Addiction: Scientific F or Woo Woo?

  • 6 years ago
NOTE: This video is not an attack on the raw food diet or its followers! We follow a mostly raw diet ourselves. Rather, this videos focus is whether theres any scientific merit to the the claim that eating cooked food is an addiction.\r
Ryan recently responded to Michael Arnsteins accusation that Durianrider and Freelee are cooked food addicts. Hoping to have laid the issue to rest and made a call for peace with the hardline raw vegans, some hardcore 100% raw food extremists have turned the tables on us. Not only are these raw is the lawers completely denying Ryans refutation of cooked food addiction, they are charging us as being addicted to cooked food too! Wow, so much for the call for peace!\r
So Ryan searches for the scientific body of knowledge with regards to what has been written about cooked food addiction. He even enlists additional help from Dr. Michael Gregor of to learn from what evidence he has found regarding the toxic effects of steaming rice and broccoli. Does steaming food really destroy most of its nutrients, rendering cooked food into a dead mass, devoid of nutrients?\r
So what does science tell us about cooked food addiction? Is there a clear answer or are there strong arguments from both sides of the issue?\r
Thanks to Simply Vegan and Bananiac for the interview clips of Dr. Gregor!\r
Simply Vegans video: \r
Bananiacs video: \r
Delicious high carb recipes. Health gurus & myths exposed. Weight loss. Let us inspire your healthy lifestyle journey with food, fun, and fitness. Look forward to two to four new s a week from these fit 40 somethings!\r
(Ryan & Anjis band)\r
Music by Anji Bee\r
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