There's NOTHING better than...

  • 6 yıl önce
...a new scratch pad! This is a reminder of how easy it is to keep your cat happy without sacrificing your wallet or your furniture. Cats need to scratch to stretch, mark their territory, remove old claw sheaths, and just because it feels good. Keeping a fresh scratch pad in the common areas of your house and near furniture can keep them from scratching areas that you don't want them to (and if you need more tips on that, watch this: ). This one is less than $10 at my local hardware store and comes with catnip that makes the pad a stimulating and rewarding place to scratch. I try to buy a new one every 1-2 months, or when the cats seem less interested in it (at which point they may start clawing at the carpet which is a sign they need a new one!). I also have a cat tree with a sturdy pole they can use as well because cats also love to scratch something high that they can really put their body into for a good stretch. Have several options available for them so they feel they can exhibit their natural instincts which makes for a happier kitty and a happier you! Let others know what has worked for you in the comments below, or ask questions that others might be able to help you with.

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