7 Mysteriously SLAIN Scientists

  • 6 years ago
This is Alexei Leonov, a Soviet Cosmonaut who would have probably been the first man on the moon, were it not for the death of this man, the brilliant engineer Sergei Korolev. Sucks to be you Comrade Leonov. Korolev was the Soviet Unions lead rocket engineer during the space race, and his work on Sputnik and Vostok helped Yuri Gagarin become the first human in orbit. Korolev died on January 14th 1966, and his loss enabled the US to catch up and exceed the Soviets spacefaring capabilities. But was his death an accident, or something more sinister?\r
In 1966 Indian Nuclear Physicist Dr Homi Jhangir Bhabha claimed India was on the verge of producing a nuclear weapon, but this man so important to achieving that goal was killed in a suspicious plane crash not long after his speech. It is speculated that the CIA assassinated Bhabha to prevent India acquiring nuclear weaponry. India successfully tested a nuclear weapon 8 years later, with the fantastically named Smiling Buddha device, which India said theyd used to cause a “peaceful nuclear explosion”, a description which makes about as much sense as a pleasant case of diarrhea, or a really lovely Isis video.\r
Eugene Mallove was a scientist, science writer and a believer in cold fusion, a hypothetical form of nuclear reion which could provide the world with cheap energy. Unsurprisingly this isnt something which major energy companies would like to see developed, because when energy becomes cheaper the gas and oil fat-cats will have to start downsizing their yachts and stop eating bathtubs full of caviar, which is what I presume rich people do.\r
In the last twenty years scores of world-famous astronomers have died around the world, with many being close colleagues in deep field and earth collision studies. Allan Sandage and Geoffrey Marsden were astronomers and colleagues who died within days of each other of a rare non-transmittable disease affecting only 1 in 100,000 people. It was rumoured that both were warned against revealing information about an imminent earth-bound asteroid, and they werent the only ones.\r
In 2003 Britains Government was struggling to find compelling reasons to join the Iraq war alongside America. They eventually released a dossier detailing how Iraq had weapons of mass destruction capable of launching within 45 minutes. But, in an off the record remark to a BBC journalist, Dr David Kelly, a biological warfare scientist employed by the Ministry of Defence, basically said these claims were a crock of crap.
