How To Talk To Girls At Parties Trailer05/18/2018

  • 6 years ago
How To Talk To Girls At Parties (A24 Films) Stars: Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman, Ruth Wilson.
Young Enn and his best friends stumble upon a bizarre gathering of teenagers who are from another planet, visiting Earth to complete a mysterious rite of passage. That doesn't stop Enn from falling madly in love with Zan, a beautiful and rebellious alien who becomes fascinated with him. Together, they embark on a delirious adventure through the kinetic, punk rock world of 1970s London, inadvertently setting off a series of events that leads to the ultimate showdown between punks and aliens.
Release date: May 18, 2018 (USA)
Director: John Cameron Mitchell
Editor: Brian A. Kates
Cinematography: Frank DeMarco
Music composed by: Nico Muhly, Jamie Stewart
