How to change your Appearance by changing your self-image (part 2)

  • 6 years ago
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, in this video, Ill be sharing with you how to change your appearance by changing your self-image.\r
Now, recently I did a video on this same idea and in that video I explained that more important than the way people see you is the way you see yourself. And the reason this is, is because when you go out into the world you are projecting the way that you feel about yourself out to other people and other people are responding to that self-image that you have. So, one of the easiest ways to change how other people view you is for you to first off change the way that you view yourself and a part of that process is changing the way that you feel about yourself.\r
So, it involves accepting the different chareristics that you have. It involves changing the way that you frame what you have. So, if you have a mole on your face that you dont like, instead of seeing it as something that holds you back or something you dont like, you could start to see it in a new light and as you see it in a new light you wont be projecting those insecurities out to other people, and other people will respond to that new state of being.\r
Now, in that video, I say that, and my intention behind that video was to help other people accept themselves more by changing the way that they view about themselves. And in the comments, there were people that were saying that it is possible to change our appearance. Now, I wasnt saying in that video that its not possible, but what I was saying was that it is possible to a certain degree. And maybe thats my own limitation or limiting belief, but the idea was that if somebody doesnt have an arm, I dont think its necessarily that theyre going to grow a new arm based upon the self-image, my point behind that was to maybe change the way that not having the arm changed the view that you have of yourself not having the arm, and then learn how to accept yourself more and more people would then perceive you in a new way.\r
So, it was more about just accepting the way that we view ourselves and understanding that as we begin to do that, and we begin to hold the frame for who we are, people respond in a new light.\r
Now, with that being said, we can still change our appearance to a certain degree, and maybe more, Im just saying that the way that I view it is that based on who we are being and the way that we view ourself, theres a certain level of relaxation that we have in the face. You may notice that when you feel confident about yourself that you look in the mirror and you feel like you look different, you might look more attrive as you feel more confident or you feel more relaxed. And you might notice that when you feel stressed out, you might look in the mirror and you might see the tenseness in your face.\r
Now this is about understanding that as you change the way that you view yourself, and as you start to embody yourself in a new light, youll find that you then begin to have a new level of relaxation, a new level of state of being. So, its about getting to the core of the way you define yourself, reframing the certain chareristics that you saw as limitations, and then starting to view yourself in a new light.\r
Now one of the most powerful ways to do this is through the imagination. Now if you were to visualize for just five or 10 minutes a day, you being the type of person that you prefer to be, the way that you would carry yourself, and you were to not just visualize it but you were to begin to feel into it, you will find that you begin to embody that state of being and you begin to embody that version of yourself.\r
Now, the funny thing is that when you go out into the world and you start to condition that feeling, and you hold the frame for that version of you, and that just involves you deciding that that is who you are now, youll find that you start to change the way that you come off to other people and youll even look in the mirror and there will be a new state of being underneath you. Youll start to feel more relaxed about who you are and as you do that, you will start to appear different.\r
Now, this is about understanding that theres more to you than just your physical self-image. There is also a self-image about how you feel about yourself and if you learn how to cultivate that, it will leak into the other parts of you. So as you start to feel more confident, you will start to relax more. You will start to release more dopamine, more testosterone. You will start to release less cortisol, which is the stress hormone which causes tenseness, and you\r
This video is about How to change your Appearance by changing your self-image (the complet
