When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends to Be Dead. theatrical trailer

  • 6 years ago
Description of Toshio Lee's When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends to Be Dead. (Ie ni kaeru to tsuma ga kanarazu shinda furi o shite imasu.) from the international sales agent for the movie, ColorBird Inc. (K.K. KarâBâdo): "Jun is a hard-working company man who returns home one night after a hard day to find his wife, Chie, collapsed near the door in a pool of blood. Panicking, he rushes to her side, but then notices a bottle of ketchup nearby. 'Tee-hee-hee', Chie giggles in a feigned unconscious state. 'Did I scare ya?' When Jun, relieved, demands a reason for her foolishness, Chie can only laugh teasingly. And so it begins. From that point on, every time Jun returns home, he finds her 'dead' by different and increasingly outlandish causes. One night, she's been eaten by a crocodile. Another night, it's [a] fatal gunshot wound or her head has been pierced by an arrow. Gradually, the 'death play' escalates. Jun, who initially takes the behavior in stride begins to worry when she never really gives him a reason. Is she bored? Sad? Is it a cry for help? ¶ This is a story about a unique relationship between a husband and wife and the way they communicate in their third year of marriage, depicted with plenty of comic beats and loads of heart."

Production notes from ColorBird: "A legendary Yahoo! Post becomes a major motion picture! ¶ 'When I get home, my wife always pretends to be dead. What should I do?' In 2010, this question was posted to 'Yahoo! Answer'. It quickly went viral, inspiring producer of Hatsune Miku songwriting fame to compose an original song about it and post it to video sharing website. The following year, a best-selling comic essay based on the post sold over 150,000 copies in 3 volumes, creating a huge fan-base and stoking interest in a live-action film"
