ISIS gunman shot dead after killing 3 in South of France

  • 6 years ago
An ISIS gunman has been shot dead after he stole a car and killed three people in France's latest terror attack.

Stills and video shows the scene as police initially responded to news of the attacks.

Footage shows how special GIGN counter-terror police descended on the small town and surrounded the supermarket quickly.

The 26-year-old attacker, identified as Redouane Lakdim by France's Interior Ministry, was killed by police at the Super U supermarket in Trèbes.

One person was killed when Lakdim stole a car in nearby Carcassone earlier that day, with two other deaths at the supermarket standoff.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack but provided no evidence.

President Emmanuel Macron described the incident as a "terror attack" and announced he would return immediately from an EU leader's summit in Brussels.
