Supernatural Leviathan makeup tutorial

  • 6 years ago
Tired of being natural? Go super with this Supernatural Leviathan tutorial! The insane full headed mouth will turn heads at the costume party for sure.\r
In thiswe dive into quite a little project as its once again is time to construct a massive supernatural leviathan mask on our face cast. With the use of the now classic Ellimacs SFX latex paste its up to you to sculpt the horrific jaw that span over the whole face. As usual the teeth are created using our beloved Ellimorph plastic.\r
The cool thing in this Supernatural Leviathan look is ually the tongue. That too, hand moulded from red Ellimorph plastic. Whats so cool about it though, is that its created to fit your mouth precisely, and on top of that you can just take it out when the dinner is served at the party or if you need to drink and talk. Pretty awesome, right?\r
As you probably know, this Leviathan look comes from the televisionSupernatural, hence the title supernatural leviathan. If you like science fiction and fantasy its definitely afor you to check out. And hey, while youre at it make sure you look extra closely at the Leviathans to get a nice reference for when you recreate this look.\r
Take your SFX makeup to the next level.\r
Get your Ellimorph Plastic and Ellimorph Dust at today with prices starting at $4.99 and we offer worldwide shipping,\r
For more Ellimacs SFX madness:\r
