Natural Eye Makeup inspired by Ulzzang ♡ SYLVIA EASTER
  • 6 years ago
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Just simple and nice, not difficult and not complicated :)\r
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Instagram: @richdeenee\r
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Twitter: @Sylvia_Easter\r
歡迎回來看我的Youtube ♥ 我是名字叫Sylvia Easter。我是混血兒,爸爸是華人,媽媽是沙巴原住民卡達山人。 1987出生,白羊座,出生在山打根,在斗亞蘭長大,現在住在亞庇。我很喜歡化妝,希望通過Youtube能夠和你們分享我的興趣。我做很多種影片,比如: 妝容教學,明星仿妝,DIY,旅遊,產品介紹,等等。謝謝支持,我會做更多影片 :) \r
Welcome back to my Youtube Channel. My name is Sylvia Easter. Im mixed, my dad is chinese and my mum is kadazan. I born in Sandakan, which is 1987. I grow up in Tuaran Town, and currently I live in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I love makeup and I hope I teach inspire you all by videos, such like : Makeup tutorial, celebrity makeup inspired, Beauty DIY and hacks, travel, review products and etc. Thanks for the support. I will make more useful video :)\r
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