Trump On North Korea: 'We Have No Road Left'

  • 6 years ago
President Trump said on Friday, "we have no road left," when it comes to the issue of North Korea.

When asked about North Korea on Friday, President Trump told reporters "we have no road left."
Trump made that remark during a meeting with the nation's defectors at the White House.
Responding to a question about the United States potentially doing more for such individuals, the president said, "we're doing a lot...we have many administrations that should have acted on this a long time ago...when we weren't in this kind of a position."
"The road really ended. They could've done it 12 years ago. They could have done it 20 years ago. They could've done it four years ago and two years ago. We have no road left," Trump continued.
However, he did note that North Korea's participation in the upcoming Winter Olympics, which will be held in South Korea, is a positive development.
"We'll get through the Olympics and maybe something good can come out of the Olympics," Trump added.
Despite diplomatic efforts, North Korea appears to be moving ahead with the nuclear program at a rapid pace. On Monday, CIA Director Mike Pompeo told BBC News that the country appears to be "a handful of months" away from being able to reach the U.S. with a nuclear weapon.  He made a similar comment during an appearance on 'CBS This Morning.' 
