Iran - We Want Peace !!!

  • 16 years ago
This video features a remix of the Alison Graham song… We Want Peace… and is a reflection of the ‘Peaceful’ side of Iran and its people.

The Iranian People are not ‘terrorists’… they are not out to destroy the world… they seek only to be able to live in peace and harmony with the rest of the world.

The People of Iran do not deserve to be judged by the actions of their Government, any more than what the People of America deserve to be judged by the Bush Administration’s ‘Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq’… or what the People of Israel deserve to be judged by their Government’s ‘Illegal Occupation of Lebanon and Palestine’ !

Enough of ‘War’ already… What this world needs is ‘Peace’ !!!

If it can be proven beyond any shadow of doubt, that Iran is endeavouring to manufacture Nuclear Weapons… then by all means, action does need to be taken to prevent them from doing so. At the same time however… action needs to be taken to ensure that all countries in possession of such lethal weapons, are made to disarm. It is pure ‘hypocrisy’ for countries in possession of ‘Nuclear Weapons capable of killing on a mass scale’… to dictate to other Nations about the need for peace !

Very severe Sanctions are due to be imposed on Iran. Those Sanctions will cause immense grief (and death) to ‘Innocent Iranian People’. For such Sanctions to be imposed, without conclusive evidence to support claims of Iran’s intention to manufacture Nuclear Weapons… is inexcusable. For countries who themselves possess Nuclear Weapons… demanding the Sanctions be imposed… is pure ‘hypocrisy’ !!!

One world… One people… Living in Peace.
Is that too much to ask ???

Please visit the ‘We Want Peace’ website…
and lend your support to the very worthy cause of helping young people whose lives have been damaged by war !!!
