Why a bad credit rating could damage your romantic relationships

  • 6 years ago
Don’t risk losing the ones you love over money issues. 50% of people wouldn’t date someone with bad credit. Control your finances.



- Why a bad credit rating could damage your friendships: https://www.solution-loans.co.uk/blog/bad-credit-rating-damage-personal-relationships/
- Top 10 personal finance tips for 18 year olds: https://www.solution-loans.co.uk/blog/top-10-personal-finance-tips-i-wish-parents-told-18/
- How to fix your poor credit rating: https://www.solution-loans.co.uk/bad-credit-loans/fix-bad-credit/
- Money & Relationships Spotify playlist: https://www.solution-loans.co.uk/blog/our-money-matters-spotify-playlist-about-money-wealth/



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According to a 2016 NerdWallet survey, almost 50% of people said that they wouldn’t date someone with bad credit. And the better educated the demographic, the more that figure increased. We live in an age of app dating when decisions about potential appeal are apparently based very much on looks. Eligibility comes into play in terms of personality and hobbies but there isn’t that big a focus on financial compatibility. Whether it’s a reluctance to mention money at an early stage because it feels like it’s “bad taste” – or something else – the way that we date today ignores this huge elephant in the room. But, as the NerdWallet survey shows, it’s crucially important to many people.personal relationships and personal finances

Does money matter? NerdWallet’s survey was carried out last Valentines Day and provided some crucial insights into where money and credit intersect with love and romance. 60% of women, for example, said that a partner’s financial situation was important to them, as compared to 45% of men. Given that there’s a pretty significant wage gap between the sexes – and women are more likely to stay at home with children – that’s perhaps not that surprising. What is surprising is that, across both the sexes, a bad credit rating is a big turn off. Even at an early stage in a relationship. 48% of people said that they wouldn’t date someone with bad credit. So, if your credit score is currently pretty puny then it could be far more damaging than bad hair or uninspiring chat.

Millennials are even more focused on finances. For younger generations, the financial viability of a partner has an even bigger impact on whether they are an appealing prospect romantically. For example, overall, 35% of men said that a partner’s financial situation was more important than physical attractiveness.