Sneaky Tics That Will Make Your Ex Miss You (And Want You Back)

  • 7 years ago
-- Click Here To Get Your Ex Back!\r
Whats up guys, this is Lisa Force and you are watching my latest video where Im going to explain three simple things you can do to cause your ex to miss you like mad. This is obviously ideal if youre trying to win back that someone special who slipped away… and as with all of my videos please feel free to comment below and share your thoughts.\r
So, to begin with, think about what makes you miss someone or something… its when you become accustomed to something in your life, and then that person or object is suddenly gone. For instance, if you became accustomed to having your cell phone in your pocket, and you used it frequently throughout the day, youd definitely miss that phone if it was stolen, right? It was important to you, and you were accustomed to having it always available, and then the f that its suddenly gone will cause you to miss that phone and wish you still had it.\r
On the other hand, if you were to slowly use your phone less frequently -- say, you slowly tapered down your usage over a month or two, eventually only using your phone once every few days -- youd have a chance to slowly learn how to live without the phone, and it wouldnt be nearly as painful as if it were to suddenly disappear without warning.\r
The same concept applies to people. If someone close to you… someone you spent time with every day, and shared much of your life with… vanishes from your life completely, its going to be pretty painful, right? Even though your ex may have been the one to initiate your breakup, this concept can still be used to your advantage, and by suddenly disappearing from his or her life, you can really shock your ex into missing you, much like youd miss that iPhone in your pocket if it suddenly vanished.\r
Thats why many breakup experts advocate something called the “no cont” period. This means that, after your breakup (or as soon as possible after the relationship ends), you should completely disappear from your exs radar screen for a month or so. This is important, because if you continue to talk with your ex daily and slowly fade out of their life, then you wont be giving him or her that “shock” that they need in order to start missing you like crazy. You need to go with the “cold turkey” method, not communicating with your ex for several weeks at the very least, so that they will really feel how important you were to them. \r
A lot of people ask me whether this “no cont” approach is right for their situation… and I understand completely, because it may have been a few weeks or months since the breakup, you may still live with your ex, and so on… there are lots of “what ifs”. Unfortunately Im not going to be able to cover them all in this video, but after this video head to to watch an in-depth video that breaks down the stages of winning back your ex, and discusses the ‘no cont phase in more detail. Again, the URL is (Ill also have the link in the description below this video)