Figure Skating Competition - Preliminary Ladies

  • 7 лет назад
The Cherub competed in Preliminary Ladies division of figure skating for the 2nd time today and improved her score by 2.5 points over her first Preliminary competition in May. \r
The Cherub placed 10th which didnt much thrill her but honestly I thought it was great. Seven of the skaters who beat her had travelled interstate to compete because this is a major competition on the national calendar. I was really impressed with the standard of all the Preliminary skaters. Success didnt fall into their laps. They earned their medals with many, many, many hours of intense training and a lot of commitment and sacrifice by their families. So well done and well deserved!\r
Click here to see videos of Cherubs progress in skating skills: \r
Click here to see videos of Cherubs progress in PAIR skating skills: \r
Click here to see Cherubs competition & exhibition videos: \r
Click here to see Cherubs PAIR competition & exhibition videos: \r
Click here to learn why we went broke and how you could help the Cherub to continue skating:
