30 Lies You Were Taught In School

  • 7 years ago
Don't Believe These 30 Lies You Were Taught In School

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Teachers are doing the best they can. A lot of times the rigid school system puts in place lesson plans that are from 50 years ago and students are taught things that are no longer accurate. It’s safe to say that for years, kids were learning more about what people in power wanted them to learn instead of the facts. There is misinformation everywhere, and a lot of it ends up in the classroom. You can be a good or bad student, smart or not, and still end up with this incorrect trivia. Whether its about space travel or politics- it’s very likely that you were lied to while in school. Teachers and students probably often go their entire lives without knowing the facts. History is said to be written by the winner, meaning, the people who come out on top get to decide how people learn about the historical events. But we are going to look at things from a strictly fact based point of view. Science is a series of facts that cannot be disputed, just like this list. If you think you are right and disagree with something off of our list, we encourage you to do a little research and see if you can find out the truth. Learning is an important part of all our lives, and it’s best if we learn the right thing! So if you are a student- listen up! And even if you’re a teacher too! These are 30 Lies You Were Taught in School.

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