Woman surprises mother after 10-month deployment

  • 7 years ago
The video captures Sandra's mother reaction as her daughter surprises her at a restaurant after a 10-month deployment in South Korea.

On august 16h, Sandra flew from Seoul to Austin, TX, USA where her father took her mother and siblings to a restaurant for her to surprise them.

"Before the plane landed I looked out window and saw Austin and I already started crying because I was just so happy I was about to see my family," she wrote.

"When my friends and myself pulled up to the restaurant the waitress had closed all the blinds inside so my mom and sister couldn't see me pull up."

"I walked inside and the hostess knew immediatly what was about to go down, and at that point I was too excited to wait, and just went ahead and suprised her!"

"This is my first duty station, and I had never gone so long without seeing my family. I can definitely say that it was, I still play my mom and sister's reactions over and over," she added.
