HEADHUNTERS DREAM played by Larry Wrights band with Evan Christopher February 1991
  • 7 years ago
Judy Carr produced a Saturday traditional band event featuring the saxophone on February 2, 1991 -- she called it Sax Appeal. It was held at the Plaza de Cafes .
Judy Carr produced a Saturday of traditional jazz emphasizing the saxophone on February 2, 1991 at the Plaza de Cafes in Newport Beach, CA. One of the four .

The Evergreen Classic Jazz Band plays Headhunters Dream on June 26, 2015 at the 25th Annual Americas Classic Jazz Festival in Lacey WA. Musicans are .
Every year the town of Molde in Norway hosts an international music event called Moldejazz. On July 15, 2014, the Norwegean band Ytre Suløens .