Locate Deep Sky Objects with Star Adventurer and Stellarium
Best viewed 1080p/full screen! Locating deep sky objects at 400mm focal length without Go-To control is sometimes very exhausting and can be frustrating. Star .
2017 astrophotography restrospective - Part 1. All images taken in Switzerland with SkyWatcher Star Adventurer, Lacerta MGEN2 AutoGuider Canon EOS .
I demo the Skywatcher Star Adventurer! I contacted Skywatcher about an inexpensive, but useful, mount for tracking stars for astrophotography. I wanted a mount .
2017 astrophotography restrospective - Part 1. All images taken in Switzerland with SkyWatcher Star Adventurer, Lacerta MGEN2 AutoGuider Canon EOS .
I demo the Skywatcher Star Adventurer! I contacted Skywatcher about an inexpensive, but useful, mount for tracking stars for astrophotography. I wanted a mount .