Al Gore Says Trump’s Time In Office Could End Early Due To ‘Ethical Reasons’

  • 7 years ago
Al Gore said on Tuesday that President Trump’s time in office could be cut short due to “ethical reasons.”

Al Gore said on Tuesday that President Trump’s time in office could be cut short due to “ethical reasons.” 
The Washington Examiner notes that he made the comment after a Berlin screening of his new documentary on climate change, ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.'
Gore told attendees, “We’re only six months into the experiment with Trump. Some experiments are ended early for ethical reasons."
The former vice president also mentioned Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement and gave assurances that, despite the nation’s official non-participation, there is still a way to meet the climate goals. 
Gore said, “We have a global agreement and the American people are part of this agreement in spite of Donald Trump…We can win this...All we need is the political will," and expressed his hope that “soon" the U.S. will “once again” have a leader dedicated to combatting global warming.
Though the Trump administration is quite young, it has been the subject of many questions regarding matters of ethics. 
Among those voicing concerns is Walter Shaub Jr., the Office of Government Ethics director, who tendered his resignation in early July. 
Not long after, he told NPR, “I can only describe my experience with the way they've run their ethics program in the White House right now as one of disappointment.”
Shaub also commented, “Even when we're not talking strictly about violations, we're talking about abandoning the norms and ethical traditions of the executive branch that have made our ethics program the gold standard in the world until now." 
