Newsweek Cover Features 'Lazy Boy' Trump

  • 7 years ago
Newsweek debuted the cover for its new issue, and President Trump won’t likely be a fan.

Newsweek debuted the cover for it’s August 11 issue, and the president won’t likely be a fan.
It shows Trump slumped in an easy chair, remote in hand, and a bevy of junk food in easy reach. The cover text reads, “Lazy Boy: Donald Trump is bored and tired. Imagine how bad he’d feel if he did any work.” 
The accompanying piece is equally unflattering. 
Among the notable excerpts is, “[He] sits and stews, like Al Bundy, the shoe-selling protagonist of Married…With Children, the sitcom of roiling white discontent that predicted Trump better than any political scientist or pundit.” 
Trump’s tweets offer markedly different assessment of his time in office thus far. 
On Friday morning, while Newsweek gave the sneak peak of its upcoming cover, Trump spoke very highly of his accomplishments. 
He wrote, “Consumer confidence is at a 16 year high...and for good reason. Much more regulation 'busting' to come. Working hard on tax cuts & reform!,” and not long after added, “Excellent Jobs Numbers just released - and I have only just begun. Many job stifling regulations continue to fall. Movement back to USA!” 
Earlier in the week, he commented, “Business is looking better than ever with business enthusiasm at record levels. Stock Market at an all-time high. That doesn't just happen!” 
