P90X Review and Results - Day 26

  • 16 years ago
http://www.FatLossBlogger.com - Today was day 26 of the P90X exercise program and I had the core synergistics workout once again today. It went really, really well and I am finding that it's easier to make it all the way through these intense workouts now...

I'm still eating well and I can tell that I've dropped some more weight this week. It's starting to become an adventure each time I go to my closet because I can wear stuff that hasn't fit me in well over a year.

I've been tempted to weigh in but I'm waiting until Monday to take my measurements and photos all at the same time. I'm pretty excited to see my results as it will be the end of month one.

Another friend of mine paid me a compliment today and asked if I had lost some weight. They didn't have any clue that I was doing the P90X program or trying to get into shape. It's such a great feeling when others notice your hard work.

That's it for today's update, be sure to stop by the blog at http://www.FatLossBlogger.com and stay tuned for another video tomorrow.