Cancer June 2017 Astrology Predictions: Achieve Prosperity By Thinking Out Of Your Comfort Zone

  • 7 years ago
This month you enter a period of maximum personal independence and power (which will last well into next month too) this means take responsibility of your happiness. Do not depend upon others make the changes that bring happiness for you. It will be much easier to do this in these two months. Later on the situation might change and making changes will actually become difficult.

Last month was a spiritual month and so it is this month as well, since Mercury is still out of bounds you will move out of your comfort zone trying to seek answers. Often this indicates exploring foreign shores foreign teaching or teachers.

Your financial intuition still needs to be monitored, continue to explore your spiritual economics the spiritual dimensions of wealth. You will experience much revelation in terms of finance.

On the 21st when Sun crosses your ascendant and enters your first house. This is a wonderful financial transit it brings in physical money and also opportunities. You look and feel prosperous which makes your confidence arise and self-esteem look up.

Overhauling your entire wardrobe and personality is the call of the hour. Spending on yourself and investing in yourself will help you a great deal. On the 4th Mars your career planet enters your 1st house bringing in happy career opportunities to you.

Since Mars is still out of bounds you need to keep thinking out of your comfort zone. Travelling to exotic places and mixing business with pleasure will stand in good stead for you.

Health remains good and is best when the Moon waxes from the 1st to the 9th and from the 24th onward. This is one of the most fruition time for you of the year.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat
