WWE Superstar Natalya Tells All About Brie's Pregnancy Diet

  • 7 years ago
This last episode of Total Divas covered a lot of ground! Where do we start?!
We saw friendships being tested on a charity trip to Anguilla with Lana, Renee and Trinity, and Lana faces her deep-rooted issues why–that she needs to learn to let people in. Lana had to confront that in the past as she pushed people away because she was so used to moving when she was younger that she never really had the chance to make friends.
And our mama to be, Brie, was frustrated on this episode that she was not yet pregnant. Brie goes on a mission to find out the reason why and is incredibly surprised by the outcome.
I truly admire that Brie has boundaries and sticks to her ethics of what she believes in, like being a vegetarian, because it shows that Brie feels it’s important to stay true to herself even though she is going to be a mom. If it’s meant to be, it will be! Let the universe unfold as it should…but like Brie, we can’t wait for her to be a mama!
PLUS–I take a lot of selfies, but I’m always careful who I send them to! Aren’t we all?!!! The French Poodle Maryse comes to terms with her bad eyesight after a text that goes terribly wrong! Yikes! Careful when you hit send button, Maryse! That selfie was perhaps for Miz….not all of us! GULP! LOL! Good thing Maryse decides to get her eyes fixed…probably long overdue! I feel you, Maryse!
Eva Marie also gets a new storyline on TV, but has mixed emotions when she discovers what it entails. As a WWE talent…and having been on the main roster for nine years…I know all about storylines on TV. Sometimes you get good ones and sometimes bad…but no matter what you have to roll with the punches and Eva proves that she can do that. Amen, sista! ❤️
Be sure to catch ‘Total Divas’ every Thursday night on E!
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