The World's Biggest Airline & The Pope visits America..

  • 16 years ago
The World's Biggest Airline is created and the Pope visits America but received a less than cordial, find out why coming up right now on Get the Hi, I'm Dana Ward here with your world news roundup. Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines merged this week to effectively create the world's largest airline. Delta announced that it has bought the Minnesota-based carrier for $3-billion. The move comes amidst high gas prices, consumer discontent and union disputes that have plagued the industry. These factors led to hug loses by airlines totaling up to $35-billion from 2001-2006. Because of these economic woes, and increased competition from European and Asian carriers, airlines have faced pressure to consolidate in hopes of gaining market share and reducing competition. With news of this merger and the recent closure of 3 US carriers, some expert say that airfares will likely increase as gas prices go up and competition dwindles. The Pope visits America this week, but questions surrounding his protection of pedophiles have been rehashed. Pope Benedict was accused of protecting some 19 bishops who have been accused of child abuse by the director of 'bishop', a group that follows child abuse cases in the church. The 19 bishops that the group was referring to were in their words "credibly accused" of child abuse but have not been charged with any crime, stripped of their titles, or even censured by the church. The Pope did not deny these charges during his flight to America, but did say that he was "deeply ashamed" over the scandal and that pedophiles would "absolutely be excluded from the ministry". And another twist in the Detroit mayor fiasco. The Detroit city council refused to allow Mayor Kilpatrick to present his annual budget to them on Monday. The move follows 3 days of hearings in which the mayor's lawyers were questioned by the lawmakers. The council, which had voted 7-1 in favor of the mayor resigning, was criticized by the mayor for "playing judge and jury in the ...
