Outtakes and Bloopers Pt 2 | KnightHood & Decoy

  • 8 years ago
Believe it or not, the shoots haven't gotten more professional
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The Stable of Solitude ft. Chris O'Dowd ► http://youtu.be/UWmDye4QxAA
Superhero Double Date ft. Emma Blackery ► http://youtu.be/LObuAId7rAk

It's outtakes galore in this episode of KnightHood & Decoy featuring plenty o' folk including Chris O'Dowd, NerdCubed and finally several amused, but more often unimpressed, members of the general public.

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Every city needs its superheroes. Unfortunately for London, it has KnightHood & Decoy.
Nothing can stop these masked heroes in the execution of their duty. Well, perhaps maybe if it's raining badly. Or if they're totes knackered. And I mean if MasterChef's on, forget it.

Not to be confused with Batman and Robin, who are awesome... or Thor... Or Superman... or Spiderman... Or Hulk... basically none of The Avengers.

The Multiverse is the Home Planet of Scripted Geek Entertainment.
For fans of Sci-Fi, Superheroes, Paranormal and Fantasy, The Multiverse is home to a sorting hat-full of original series and short films, from spoof comedies to cutting edge science fiction and fantasy adventures.

Captained by Fleet Commander Warwick Davis - legendary star of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hitchhiker's Guide, Willow, Jack the Giant Slayer... who's looking to bullseye more than a few womprats.