Lyndel Rhodes Listening To Willie Nelson Sing A Song She Wrote

  • 8 years ago
Images are a victimless crime. He never touched a real child.

[]I agree. This is actually a damn good repost.
[]I get mistaken for my sister a lot so people ask me how my kids are (have no kids. Currently 7 1/2 months pregnant) I tell them 'oh we don't have any kids, just this one'. More than once I've gotten 'are you sure?' Um
[]My age.
Youtubers, my followers, my facebook friends, no one knows it.
[]Whoop, there it is.
[]I think she already published some
[]That's hilarious, I did the exact same thing
[]That's something I'll never understand... Why don't we just ban algorithmic trading? Is there a single benefit coming from computers trading between themselves?
[]gave up the police academy and changed career paths after I found out a close friend was also an occasional drug user.
[]Highschool is the most stress enducing experience of my life. I hate it but it's important.
[]Are you Polish?
[]You know what that made me think of? A cat with a postit note on its head. Not sure why exactly.
[]/r/Pyongyang has a lot of moderators.
[]Very true in my case! I rather eat food than snacks
[]If he went to jail he'd be killed probably within the first year. Not even rapists like paedophiles
[]Read number two
[]leme hear your original joke m8?
[]Ugh that's so frustrating. My father does this to us kids as well, "You need to turn here yeah here at there..over there.." without pointing while we are driving in the car. We focus on the road and have no idea what he's referring to.
[]What it's like to Chew 5 Gum
[]IDK all the things money can't buy (friends, family partner etc) I already have. The only limiting factor to my happiness is the cost the activities I wish to do with people I love.
[]There was a study where they found that 0.1% of people are President of the republic. There was no methodological error.
[]ok thanks i will get looking
[]Awesome pic, definitely old school cool! What car was that?
[]Okay. How's that evidence coming along?
