Linear Algebra

  • 8 years ago
What is a book you've read recently?
Well, on a scale from 1 to 300...
80's kid here.

Breakfast Club

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Sixteen Candles

Fast Time at Ridgemont High

10 Things I Hate About You
Yes, I'm in Denmark..I think it's a good thing.
I don't know the imperial but I'm Sure that's a lot !!

because I'm the perfect 10
Well you travel 150 yards in the x direction, but then use math to say you also traveled in the y direction for some arbitrary amount that would put you over 150
Philip Rivers?
Q: My Wild world vinyl is still on ots way.. But I willbe the happiest to finally own it. Seems like it was not the best idea to buy it via a local record store! But I want to support those places! What an atmosphere correct?!
employees of the park cleans it up, but I was wondering how the hell would they do that every single night if the park is so fucking huge and the guests are scattered everywhere... ony some kind of shrink ray/pocket dimension could explain that
Not a word but a phrase. I use to say "I could care less" but in reality it should be "I couldn't care less" - site sex slut 45
Aww man, I'm sorry! I was going off the Geico commercial. Can you ELI5?
I absolutely loved his other movies, but something about Halloween 2 just didn't sit well with me. Unfortunately, Lords of Salem fell flat with me too. Which was a huge bummer because I looked forward to it forever, only to be bored and let down when I finally was able to see it.
Not quite so much big red button, but it may as well have been
They also aren't widely used in the United States.
In Hispanic culture we have something called a Lechuza. It's essentially a witch in owl form and is a really bad omen. Before I watched this movie owls already scared the crap out of me. I hate this movie...
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Fingered? like penetration?

Or rubbing on the outside? Perhaps you grinding on him or vice versa...
Definitely lawyers.
Ha, I was struggling to get my earbud in, so I guess I missed that bit.

Mgs1 actually shares a ton of its plot devices with MG2. Same for its general plot. If you ever see mgs branded a mg3 remake, that's why
Hi Dan!! I've been a fan for a long time, I remember when "Pompeii" was the free iTunes song of the week and I've been hooked since. I met you 2 years ago when you came to Rochester, NY and played at the Main Street Armory! As cliche as this question is about to sound, who is your biggest music inspiration? Or in general, who is your favorite group of all time or even at the moment? I made you a CD the day before I met you guys and I remember freaking out over the idea of giving it to you. Do you guys enjoy receiving gifts from fans? Sorry to ask more than one question, keep doing the great work that you already are. Thanks for being the best, I love you all and hopefully I'll get the chance to see you play somewhere near me again. Have a good day :) xx