Congressman From Alabama Expresses Doubt Over Clinton’s Pneumonia Diagnosis

  • 8 years ago
Hillary Clinton has, according to her staff, been diagnosed with pneumonia. Gary Palmer, a Congressman hailing from Alabama, isn’t buying it.

Hillary Clinton has, according to her staff, been diagnosed with pneumonia. 

Gary Palmer, a Congressman hailing from Alabama, isn’t buying it.

On Monday, he told WAPI, a radio station in his home state, “I’ve got serious doubts as to whether or not it’s pneumonia…if it were pneumonia, I would’ve thought they would’ve come out and said that very early on.”

Palmer also said, “They’ve tried to attribute the cough to bronchitis, they’ve tried to attribute it to pneumonia…you just look at the pattern and it just begs the question, are we being lied to again?”

His skepticism echoes an earlier comment made by Donald Trump. 

During a CNBC interview, the GOP candidate noted, “They say pneumonia…but she was coughing very, very badly, a week ago and even before that...” 
