Couple rescued from desert island after writing SOS

  • 8 years ago
EAST FAYU ISLAND, FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA — A man and woman in their 50s have been rescued after being stranded on a remote South Pacific island for 10 days, Yahoo News reported.

Linus and Sabina Jack set sail from Weno Island in Micronesia on Aug. 17 but failed to reach their destination. The middle-aged couple became stranded on East Fayu Island with no emergency equipment and only limited supplies.

They sketched a large SOS sign in the sand to signal for help.

Local authorities along the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy launched a large scale search for them. A ship spotted flashing lights from the island last Wednesday.

A U.S. Navy plane dispatched to the area saw their SOS sign and a patrol boat was then sent to save the couple on Friday.
