Go From Earth To Moon In 7 Hours Onboard The 'Solar Express' Train Concept
  • 8 years ago
Imaginactive, a group out of Canada, has revealed its concept for a space train called the Solar Express which would run continuously to transport humans and goods around the solar system.

A Canadian group has released its concept for a space train called the Solar Express. 
According to Imaginactive’s website, the system would be “...used to ferry humans, supplies and minerals between celestial bodies and space stations in our solar system.” 
The train itself would consist of six replaceable cylinders, each approximately 164-feet long, launched into space with rocket boosters.
The Solar Express would then speed around space through a combination of gravity and stored fuel.
According to its creators, one of the keys to the design is that the train would run continuously, reducing the significant amount of energy and expenses spent during “the acceleration and deceleration phases.” 
Under this system, a trip from Earth to the moon would, under ideal conditions, take just seven hours. 