Easy Life Changes to Make You To Feel Healthier

  • 8 years ago
You're not into going to the gym. You think quinoa is a type of cactus. And you'll wait five extra minutes in the car for the parking spot closer to the store. You're not alone, friend. The truth is celebrities use trainers, nutritionists and public pressure to motivate themselves to get fit. Your drive? Not so strong. And that's OK, because according to E! News, there are nine small, incredibly easy things you can do on the daily to feel a teeny-weeny bit healthier. Breathe more deeply. Sleep longer. Laugh more. Switch out one snack for veggies. Add lemon to your water. Shop the edges of the grocery store--where the healthy stuff is. Sit up straight. Put down your fork between bites. And finally, use the twenty-twenty-twenty rule: Every twenty minutes, look away from your computer screen and focus on a spot twenty feet away for twenty seconds. Your eyes--and brain--will thank you.
