Stranglehold [Ballistic] (Re-Upload)

  • 8 years ago
P.S: I re-uploaded this video after making some changes to the audio and other slight edits/adjustments.
This is some gameplay of Stranglehold that I was playing around with today so i just thought i would make a cool video of the action.

Of course as you can tell, it was a pretty heavy load for my PC and as a result there was a ton of frame rate issues and jittery camera motion but I still had fun none the less. Also the footage was originally captured at a very low resolution, some where around 600x480, so it's not really high definition material, i just up-scaled it which is why the quality looks so poor despite appearing to be in a 1080p screen size. I had to capture the footage scenes at a very low resolution in order for this video to be possible in the first place since that's how bad my computer was struggling xD.

I might make a better version of this in the future, but for now, this is basically the best I can do with the system I have so enjoy! :D
