10 Most Terrifying Modern Day Epidemics Recently Discovered

  • 8 years ago
top 10 unusual and bizarre medical conditions that actually exist in the world
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Illnesses are a basic part of our society. They come in waves, infecting as many people as possible, before they run their course or a cure is found, and the illness slips away for the rest of the season. Thanks to modern medicine, illnesses like the flu are no longer mainstream epidemics and can be contained with something as easy as a flu shot. When an epidemic breaks out, it can be easy to panic and quarantine yourself into your home. Illnesses greatly affect babies and the elderly, both groups who have compromised or developing immune systems where getting sick can be a deadly turn.
Even with so many developments in the medicine industry, we can’t sleep easy quite yet. Periodically, we are still dealing with modern day epidemics that either introduce a new virus to society, or an old illness is reintroduced thanks to the lack of children getting vaccinated. Debates on vaccines are continuing while more kids are getting sick each day.
Here are some of the worst modern day epidemics that are currently plaguing us. The best way to avoid getting sick is to get vaccines as well as taking care of our bodies including taking vitamins, eating well, and exercise. Many people will try to play the hero and still go to work or school even though they are ill. But the only thing that ends up happening is that the illness is spread by exposure and making things worse in terms of containing the illness.

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