The Syrian refugeechildren drowning in the sea is the result of the oppressive system of the End Times

  • 8 yıl önce
KARTAL GOKTAN: Yesterday, a boat carrying a group of Syrian refugees seeking refuge in Europe sank. Tens of bodies of children washed upashore. The incident that resulted in the death of approximately 200 Syrians was not covered by the majority of the media.Trying to keep their babies above water, Syrian women waited for a long time for the help to arrive. And the previous day, 72 refugees died from lack of oxygen in the back of a truck.

ADNAN OKTAR: The extent of this oppression has now reached heavens. With the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and descent of Jesus Messiah (pbuh) this will come to an end. But I mentioned before that this would gradually increase.You see that it is still increasing. Didn't I tell you?

KARTAL GOKTAN: Yes, you did.

ADNAN OKTAR: I said that it would gradually increase, and it has been happening exactly like I told you. Inequities, injustice, treason, cowardice, knavery, trickery, deceit, all are wreaking havoc throughout world in the End Times. God